Any news on the psychoanalytic front?

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What kind of news?

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Feb 21Liked by snav

Anything, really. I've found your discussions previously enlightening, so anything new you've been reading I'd enjoy hearing about. I guess I miss some amount of stuff, being that I don't use twitter, so even older things from there would be interesting to me.

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Sadly I haven't read a single psychoanalytic text in *months*. I've been busy playing video games and thinking about them instead. But I may (or may not) soon have an opportunity to connect the two in another post...

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I'm in the same boat, honestly. I do look forward to any forthcoming essays, though.

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Something worth noting about NNs and temporality is that they are typically trained with a shuffled dataset, which is to say that the time-ordering of learning is completely randomized, at least in the current paradigm.

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